Changsha features snack Rice noodles
Changsha, Guilin rice noodles not so famous, but has its own characteristics, it is one of the favorite food of the people of Changsha. Changsha people like to eat rice, rice flour round points with flat powder are two, Changsha people mostly prefer eating flat flour, because flour flat compared to the advantages pink circle is relatively easy tasty, you know rice itself is no taste, thanks soup to taste. So the soup is the key to a bowl of rice noodles.
Changsha to cut rice flour-based, and Changde rice noodles have a big difference in the taste, the biggest feature is light, authentic Changsha rice soup boiled with a large bone, genuine, sweet and delicious. Changsha rice covered code is varied, as long as you want there, rice flour served everyone their own visual taste and a little chopped hot pepper, radish, sauerkraut, mustard and other condiments.