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How long can detect pregnancy

OHTN2017-12-14Aix XinLe

How long can detect pregnancy, we all know the general Menolipsis one week can be measured if there is not pregnant, but this time for many people is too long, more people want to know how long after sex can detect pregnancy?

How long can detect pregnancy

1, pregnancy 8-10 days can be measured

According to research data, when women were measured in pregnancy 8-10 days can. The method is to test whether the pregnant test paper of the simplest and most effective test. It is a very simple test method. Female self testing at home can know whether you have urine pregnancy, if pregnant, the pregnancy 7-10 days, the urine of pregnant women will be able to detect a specific hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin hCG, pregnancy test is to test the substance.

2, sex after 9-11 days can be measured

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a glycoprotein hormone produced in pregnant women in pregnant women, there are a lot of blood and urine. Sixth days after fertilization can measure the secretion of HCG, generally 11 days, early pregnancy HCG secretion increased quickly, about 1.7-2 days doubled, while the normal non pregnant women urine undetectable HCG. So, the detection of HCG in urine is a reliable index to judge the pregnancy. If it was pregnant with morning urine more accurate. General examination in two weeks after it has been able to determine whether they are pregnant.

The sperm and egg meet in blood HCG can show. So after go to the hospital obstetrics and Gynecology check a blood HCG on the line.

The ovulation period of 9-11 days after sex can make blood HCG examination can diagnose is pregnant normally, menstrual extension pregnancy test a week after the test can detect whether the pregnancy. The 35 day of pregnancy early pregnancy test paper or ultrasound examination can diagnose pregnancy.

3, the ovulation period may be pregnant

Not only will pregnant women have sex, egg cells and sperm with men to be pregnant women in general a month only one day to be able to release an egg cell, ovulation occurred in 14 days after the next menstruation. While the female ovulation will be affected by factors of female emotion and pressure a lot of the delay or advance, therefore, the ovulation period of five days before the four days are likely to ovulation, the ovulation period is called or easy pregnancy, which is why want to get pregnant couples to choose female ovulation to make love to contraception couples this time to avoid women.

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