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Real human posture 3d dynamic drawing

OHTN2017-11-11Aix XinLe

Girlfriend says I love when clumsy, always let her fast when not feeling satisfied and interest. He said I only know a posture plug, nothing new. I'd love to meet her, there is no real sexual positions 3d dynamic map can refer to?

If the girlfriend in sex can not meet, you need to reflect on their own under, can be appropriately changed some of their habits, try a variety of sexual positions to meet lover. Sexual positions are changing, you can gradually experience in sex with the wife's. Normal posture is generally considered to conceive position. Because the woman lying supine, knees slightly bent slightly apart, it will give the semen shot around the cervix, when the cervix, mouth soaked in semen pool of sperm into the uterus to create favorable conditions.

Lateral bit carcass is considered to be protected, can reduce or eliminate the pressure on the abdomen of pregnant women, so as not to cause miscarriage and other adverse consequences. Lateral way to combine the two, the man lifted the woman's legs to make it up the upper body, then knee kneel way transfer position, this time at right angles to the motion, after asana into the rear side of the female caress. Especially Jinlou female waist, can strengthen the movement. Climax in the best position is the hip back asana, is the focus of this position is that with a high degree of male and female sex organs. Men will hand in the female buttocks, while preventing the penis pull out the one hand sexual intercourse movement.



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