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古天乐联合10家公司帮扶基层影人 张智霖等明星将义演


搜狐娱乐讯 5月30日,据香港媒体报道,受新冠肺炎持续影响,中港影视制作陷入“冰封期”,已多个月来没有电影公司开戏,大挫电影工作者的生计。由此,身为演艺人协会会长的古天乐为帮助同业,早前联络了英皇、寰亚及邵氏等共10家公司,各投资300万港币(约276万人民币),更向电影发展基金再批得900万资金(约828万人民币),合共3900万(约3589万人民币)开拍以港人在疫情下自处的温情电影,为电影基层人员筹款。




NewsAustralian "Great Barrier Reef island" the world's best stargazing destinations far better than t

2017-10-20Wes lee27

Australian According to the Daily Telegraph , in August this year, Australia's Great Barrier Reef Island Australia won the first "dark natural area" (Dark Sky Sanctuary) , this place in 30 minutes northeast of Auckland flight islands, world attention. In fact, Ne…

NewsEuropean and American pornographic actress beauty data Angel Dark

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European and American pornographic actress beauty data Angel DarkInformation About 1.Angel Dark Angel Dark Date of birth: April 11, 1982 Nationality: Slovakia Height: 1.75 m Weight: 54 kg Angel Dark Information About 2.Angel Dark Works Collection Angel Dark Cockblock Punishment Hot European Anal Beautiful Big Tits Youn…

Newsa long time did not love love? Abstinence may be harmful to the body for too long

2017-10-31Wes lee20

a long time did not love love? Abstinence may be harmful to the body for too longLong time did not love love? Everyone wants to have a happy sex life, not only to meet the physical needs of each other, more conducive to physical and mental health, sexual life and reduce the possibility of adverse effects on the body…

NewsSales of instant noodles softening fast in China

2017-12-22Aix XinLe29

Sales of instant noodles softening fast in ChinaWith their tangy sauces and sachets of dried meat and vegetables, instant noodles were once the bedrock of China’s convenience food, but their sales had declined drastically in recent years…


