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Peles Castle: Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany to pay tribute to the palace

OHTN2017-11-19Aix XinLe

As one of the birthplaces of human Wen Ming earlier, the Balkans experienced the baptism of several Wen Ming, ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman Turkey in this left a deep imprint. As one of the three major European peninsula, the Balkans occupy an important position in southeastern Europe portal, the European powers were the focus of contention, forced into the reign of the "European powder keg."

Peles Castle: Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany to pay tribute to the palace

Marshes, things have changed, and now the Balkans because of its beautiful landscape and cultural customs to become the European garden, located northeast of the peninsula of Romania, with its rich natural beauty, well-preserved medieval architecture, unique "vampire culture" unique.

If your impression of Romania is still in the "former socialist countries," then we may wish to follow this with a taste like a general museum of "mysterious" country. You will see the stunning Grand Palace, Castle of Europe's finest castles, ancient city of German descent established, and "vampire" Dracula live ...... If you are fascinated by medieval history and culture, then Romania will tour take you back to that period of time, of course, you can enjoy the experience and service is modern and friendly.

Photo: Desert rose

Romania wants to route Raiders, Phoenix attention to tourism micro letter (travel_ifeng), replies "Romania" to be charged.

Peles Castle: Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany to pay tribute to the palace

If Castello Brown just completed "rough housing", then it is an hour's drive from the Peles Castle, it should be regarded as "decoration" of the mansion. Peles Castle (Peles Castle), located in the Romanian capital Bucharest NATO to 130 kilometers south of the Carpathian town of Sinaia (Sinaia). Sinaia, Romania can be said of a pearl, it not only has the country's most magnificent castle, still one of Eastern Europe's ski resorts.

There was a list a list of the world's 15 most spectacular castles, Peles Castle, ranked sixth. Romania also had "Neuschwanstein Castle" reputation, in fact, it is indeed a tribute to the works of Neuschwanstein, more importantly, its owner has always been the Prince of Germany. How the Germans went to Romania to do the king?

Romania has historically been divided into three, Transylvania region is controlled by the Austrian Empire, Moldova region is controlled by Tsarist Russia, Walla Nokia area was controlled by the Ottoman Turkish Empire. After the Crimean War, the powers were badly hurt, who can attend to this place, in 1859, Romania in the cracks of the great powers in "nation-building" was.

Romania back to our founding, selected traditional aristocracy, Alexandru Ioan Cuza in 1862 became the first Romanian Renda Gong. But the Grand Duke implementation of land reform, deeply touched the interests of the nobility and large landowners who, a few years put him out of office, they began to identify people everywhere, to their country when the emperor.

In 1866, Romania from Germany invited Prince Carol I of Hohenzollern family, he was born the famous European royal family - the family of Hohenzollern collateral, the Kingdom of Prussia German ruler, established in 1870 the second Reich. Romania back to our founding, must be attached to a strong state to protect yourself, just get rid of the domination of Russia and Turkey, Western Europe and beyond the reach of the British and French, German naturally became their best choice.

But it's not a puppet of King Carol I, 1878 Russian soil the war, King Carol personally directed Russia - Romania coalition operations achieved victory, Romania formal independence, Carol also became Romania's first modern king Ren Kaiguo . In his 48 years of rule in the country to promote the process of modernization of Romania.

Modern Romanian rulers are of German descent, Peles Castle has a shadow in Germany "Neuschwanstein Castle" is not surprising.

In 1872, King Carol invited architects from Germany, designed and built a summer palace for him. Castle was built in 1883, was completed in 1914, it is a Neo-Renaissance Gothic architecture. This 19th-century product of the Romantic era, when the construction project on the use of modern technology. Traditional German castle design and perfect combination of mountain scenery together.

It can be said, Peles Castle is the crowning touch to the Bank of Romania, and Neuschwanstein Castle is different: due to the unfinished Neuschwanstein Castle, its owner, who "mad king" died, many inside the castle none of the room was completed, the open house are many rooms are dimly lit. The Peles Castle, but a real palace, the king lived in it until his death.

Peles castle interior magnificent, elegant furnishings, covers an area of ​​about 3200 square meters. Not yet entered the castle, outside of exquisite decorative carving and painting, I had already tempt the appetite.

The castle has a banquet hall, concert hall, theater, bedroom, living room, weapons hall, the Chamber a total of 160 rooms, decorated in baroque interior, a large number of carved wood and beautifully painted amazing, depending on the style of the room decor and purposes, is also divided into different world cultures theme.

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