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The custom of living in Beijing

OHTN2017-09-26Wes lee

The living law of Peking man is philosophical and poetic.Because Chinese philosophy is a philosophy of life.It doesn't come from logical reasoning, but from life experience.Experience can only be expressed by poetry, and life is only artistic when it is poetical.The life of Beijing people is so artistic because they are always making poems.Or, always dreaming.Poetry and dreaming sometimes don't make a big difference.If there is a difference, the dream has nightmares, and the poem is mostly beautiful.Beijingers are mostly living in dreams and epics.This made them impractical, but also very powerful.It is self-righteous, but it is also true.Beijingers are a little oily, but not shallow.They do not shun vulgarity, but they are elegant and elegant.Even the most vulgar witticisms have historical allusions.Even the lowest echelons of the city seem, of course, quite wise.Even their worldly things, because they are philosophical poems, are not so sophisticated that they are more sophisticated than they are.Maybe a little bit of naivete.Beijingers are, after all, the most authentic heirs of ancient civilizations.The thin dead camel was bigger than the horse, and they could not drop the price.

The custom of living in Beijing

Beijingers are very atmospheric, but this atmosphere often becomes domineering;Beijingers are peaceful, but this peace can be banal;Beijingers are very philosophical, but this is often an unenterprising pretext;Beijingers are very humorous, but this humor is a slippery slope.Beijingers, too, are not perfect.For example, if you ask for directions in Beijing, if you don't call "master" first, the answer may be: "go for yourself, you!"There is no selfless devotion to hospitality.

Even Beijing people are most proud of the number and the heroic, can also become virtual and fake.A friend described to me how he felt about beijingers: are beijingers very enthusiastic and brave?Meet for three minutes, and if you hit it off, he'll slap you on the back and become "dude".If you go to his house, he will insist on keeping you for dinner.

If you're going, he'll get angry and say, "don't go!I gave you the pan!"But if you really want to stay for dinner, you're in trouble."Hey!Man, you can pit me!""You didn't even brush the pan?""The pan is brushed, but the noodles haven't bought yet!"

The custom of living in Beijing

The most valuable thing for Beijing people is their noble spirit.What is "aristocratic spirit"?According to Chen duxiu's article in the article "to tell the youth", there are "independent hearts and brave men's morality".

Obviously, the so-called "noble spirit" refers to a noble personality ideal, noble spirit and elegant aesthetic taste.Among them, personality is the most important.Therefore, the spirit of the aristocracy is not really about the door and the blood, nor is it about identity and status.For example, cao GUI, who stepped forward in a crisis, was not a rank but a noble spirit.However, liu zen, who was in the camp of the captive, was a phoenix, but he was not a noble spirit.

However, the noble spirit is known as the "aristocrat", and it is not easy to cultivate.It's mostly in the context of the dominant culture of education.So it can't be in the countryside, and it's basically just a counterpoint to urban culture, superculture, and elite culture.Beijing is the largest and most noble city in China.

The custom of living in Beijing

It is this spirit that makes Beijing the most atmospheric city in China.Beijing has always been a city that dares to think independently and dare to publish these thoughts.In this way, it will become the source of the May 4th movement and China's new cultural movement.Even the so-called Beijing people dare to say anything.It even makes Beijing's poor mouth less annoying.Sometimes it's kind of cute.

Similarly, it is this spirit that makes Beijing vulgar and vulgar but not degenerate.Beijing is full of vulgar and crude (such as "YT" "SB" and so on "city scold").It often manifests itself as a kind of a peculiar kind of evil spirit in Beijing, which I will also discuss below.And, just as Beijing's science and technology, literature and art are first-rate, Beijing's is also the first class.If you want to compare with beijingers to see who is more ruffian, believe no one is better than.But Beijing will not turn into a "punk city".Because aristocratic spirit is the soul of Beijing.So beijingers, even the ruffians, are handsome, ruffian, ruffian, ruffian artistry, or even the art of ruffians.

Undoubtedly, the spirit of the aristocracy was not born overnight.It requires long training, accumulation and edification.Beijing has precisely such a condition. 

However, aristocratic spirit is desirable, nobility is not desirable, especially today.Some of the scholars, including the Beijing scholar, are not entirely desirable.What is desirable is the personality spirit, not desirable is its realistic attitude.On the one hand, this kind of scholar-bureaucrat is unavoidably rural and old.The taste of the Beijing scholar is very heavy.The tradition is of course precious, and the pastoral poems are beautiful, but don't forget that they are always with the "feudal society".On the other hand, as we will see below, there is also a rare idyllic mood in Beijing, and the academic circles in Beijing are now rather impetuous.The promotion of scholar-officials by some particularly impetuous people has led to suspicions of what is "fishy".At the very least, as some buildings in Beijing give people the feeling of wearing a suit and a hat, some people in Beijing are angry with the aristocracy and the scholar-officials, and they feel that kong yiji is unwilling to take off his long shirt.If the long gown was to cover the tail, it would be even less flattering.

Nor is this necessarily a worry.In fact, "the man of the gentleman, the fifth world."There is no eternal aristocrat, nor anything permanent.From zhuang zi to ah Q, sometimes only one step away.In fact, many beijingers have the spirit of ah Q.For example, "the swelling of the face" is their specialty.As has been said many times before, the problem of Peking man is the deficiency, like the pendulum, the platoon, the fat man and the bombastic.Even their most valued gift is a whiff of gas.The so-called "don't pour the donkey", it is likely that the donkey is gone, only the shelf;Noble spirit is gone, only the police station, and still plastic paper packaging.There is no doubt that the opposing sides of the conflict will always be transformed.The sublime will become comical, the brave will become rudeness, the wisdom will become slippery, the great degree will become a horse tiger, the noble spirit will also become the rascal style, this is the Beijing people need to be vigilant.

Beijing dialect

Beijing dialect belongs to Beijing dialect and circulates in Beijing city.Some people refer to Beijing dialect and Beijing dialect as the "Beijing film".Beijing dialect is usually referred to as Beijing dialect, which does not include the dialect of the Beijing suburb.

The standard Chinese language (mandarin, mandarin, etc.) is based on Beijing dialect.Still, there is a certain difference between Beijing and mandarin, which is also a dialect relative to mandarin.The dialect of north China's Inner Mongolia dialect and dongbei mandarin dialect is closer to mandarin than Beijing dialect.Beijing dialect has a much better pronunciation than mandarin. The language is soft and has been affected by the Chinese language.And there are quite a few local words, which are reserved for the lower class, often referred to as "hutong" by the beijingers.There are also a lot of people, including beijingers, who use "ruffians" to describe Beijing.

It is worth noting that the contemporary Beijing dialect is different from Beijing in the early 20th century, as Lao she, qing imperial house, pu yi, but in the Beijing dialect in the opera NianBai, still use the full type Chinese in the approximation of the qing court, phonological compared with contemporary Beijing dialect is more light.

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