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这时, 一辆粤GN××42号白色福特面包车缓缓驶入收费站,过了收费站后越开越慢,竟直接在收费站前停了下来。王警官疑惑地看过去,就见到车门一开,一名男子“唰”一下跳下车,佯装淡定地往路边走。






原来, 司机姓朱,车上乘客都是湛江周边的人,几人约好凑一辆车来珠海打工。出发前,朱某一数人数发现多了一个人, 但想想他的面包车又宽又大,多一个人没那么容易被发现,而且落下谁都不好,干脆全都载上。一路顺顺利利地过来,眼看就要到达目的地,怎知刚下高速就被交警查出超载。

朱某因驾驶载客汽车超过核载人数未达20%,被处以 罚款200元的处罚,记3分。多出的一人由交警安排下高速后再自行找车回去。



NewsThe world's largest number of adult sites tenth anniversary of the inventory data over 10 million v

2017-10-30Aix XinLe18

The world's largest number of adult sites tenth anniversary of the inventory data over 10 million vUse 173 years to read the video on the site. The world's largest porn movie site Pornhub the tenth anniversary of the establishment. This site by the Canadian Malcolm Flannigan established, now has more than twenty million registered users, using the con…

NewsHow old were you when you first saw Adult film

2017-10-26Aix XinLe18

How old were you when you first saw Adult filmEarlier, the University of Montreal, Canada scientists intend to be a science, its object of study is over 20 years of age and have not seen the porn men. Unfortunately, they eventually had to give up this study - because it did not match the standard of…

NewsThe first operation rebirth? Experts refute three reasons: impossible, not to change the bulb head

2017-11-26Aix XinLe6

The first operation rebirth? Experts refute three reasons: impossible, not to change the bulb headIn November 17th this year, according to foreign media reports, Khanna Vero announced at a press conference in Austria on Vienna: after 18 hours, the world's first human head transplant "has been successfully implemented in the body. Khanna Vero said th…

NewsEuropean and American pornographic actress data Alex Grey

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European and American pornographic actress data Alex GreyAlex Grey Information About Alex Grey Place of birth: United States of America Birthday: 1996-04-20 Hair Color: Fair Height: 1,57 Bust Size: Medium measurement: 34b-22-32 first seen: 2015 Aliases: Alexia Alex at Ftvgirls, Alex Grey at Hollyrandall, Metart…

NewsHow to wear women's underwear to be healthy

2017-12-15Aix XinLe31

How to wear women's underwear to be healthyThe female genital tract is divided into external genitalia and internal genitalia, effects of external genital organs is greater than the impact on the underwear in the genitals. A part of the external genitalia include the lower female vulva and vagina.…