Huge genital boy after surgery Grateful, said, "relieved"
After a "G male giant" finally moved the lifeblood of weight loss surgery, of gratitude, he said: "relief"!
live in town Kibigori of 20-year-old man Oupi You (Horace Owiti Opiyo), 10 years old the first time noticed his "genius." It is understood that, because he had a mosquito bite to GG, mosquito larvae in the discharge of his body becomes a parasite defense, blocking his secret urinary system. Due to the accumulation of fluid under the skin, causing his genitals severe soft tissue swelling: evolved into a 91 cm long penis, testicles weighing five kilograms!
The burden him unable to move, unable to dress, go to school more difficult. Since the surgery can not afford the huge fees, and often made fun of the students, he simply does not go to school so that they hide. He believed he was cursed by the devil.
Fortunately, his fantasy about the experience in an article in the face after the book was crazy to pass, so that a local physician that happened to him, he generously willing to diagnosis and treatment, and diagnosed him suffering from a rare "scrotal elephantiasis" (scrotal elephantiasis) strange disease. The doctor had done for him, "Yang reduction" surgery: removal of excess tissue, lifting his heavy burden.
The doctor has his surgery move twice, and reshape his GG. A few months after surgery, Oupi find yourself even might one day when Dad! Oupi he said: "my whole body much lighter now I can walk, I can play then I'm free at last to go to school who knows what the future will life on the road What happened!.!.?"
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2017-11-04Wes lee20
01 小敏找到我的时候,开口的第一句话就是:我咋那么命苦。 在小敏看来,她的命苦在于,既没有选对婆家,也没有嫁对人,虽然她跟老公才刚领了结婚证没多久,可显然她已经后悔了。只是已…