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Why not orgasm and her boyfriend having sex

OHTN2017-11-07Aix XinLe

Why and her boyfriend having sex is not orgasm , it is not their long masturbation clitoris caused no vaginal orgasm.

Why not orgasm and her boyfriend having sex

Your situation, no sexual orgasm, which is due to long-term excessive masturbation caused a reduced sensitivity to the genital area, so there was no sexual orgasm, masturbation later have to get rid of as soon as possible, to avoid affecting their health.

If there is often excessive masturbation, but also prone to gynecological inflammation, easily lead to vaginitis, cervicitis, is not conducive to good health, so you need aggressive treatment, usually need to pay attention to hygiene to prevent the occurrence of gynecological inflammation, it is conducive to good health.

If you get rid of masturbation, vaginal orgasm is not able to recover

And done after feeling abdominal pain, and sometimes he was a little big action

After quit should be able to recover.

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