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Why can produce allergic

OHTN2017-12-19Aix XinLe

Why allergic? Sexual perversion is one kind of psychological allergy, is not normal for some social and cultural objects will produce sexual desire.

Why can produce allergic

1, environmental and social factors

In general, abnormal sexual behavior is the psychological conflict of unreasonable social coercion and repression caused by the consequences, so it is a complicated social problem. According to Freud, "sex behavior is abnormal children".

Later, when the defect of sexual desire is the real life environment restrictions or personality to vent, which will return to the early consolidation, to avoid self control, directly to the children in the form of sexual perversion, form. So he thinks sexual perversion is showing sexual desire in childhood in adult life and the way to get the ingredients meet young.

If the tutor has a critical influence on the formation of proper metamorphosis, minds of young parents' behavior no child left a deep imprint, so that parents are the child's sex education teacher. The concept of parents through their intentional or unintentional actions affect the next generation, such as transvestite disease, is a hobby for parents repeatedly arrange the child cross dressing culture, this is a reflection of the conditions of the formation process of metamorphosis.

Formation and environmental factors of homosexuality has a very close relationship. Some homosexuals in childhood due to an encounter in the subconscious which "heterophobia" seed, adult form a mental disorder, not with the opposite sex. Some gay because of frustration in the association with opposite sex, heterosexual feelings of disgust, but also by the same sex temptation and go astray, in addition, parents are also a major cause of improper.

Mother spoiled son, the son of man without raising a weak. Some parents for some reason, the boy up as a girl, her son was all dolled up. The formation of female psychology for many, many years to come, son, adults often occur on same-sex affection, but is not interested in the opposite sex. There are some lack of specific environment, such as ocean steamships, monasteries and prisons and other places, prone to gay.

2, psychological factors

Different personality defects often exist in patients with psychological disorders. As a compulsive personality stereotype -- also known as stubborn, stubborn personality. Do follow rules docilely, stereotypes, lack of awareness of conservative, resourcefulness, failing and indecisive bad decisions, but high requirements on their own lack of self-confidence, work too cautious. These people are prone to compulsive symptoms and anxiety and depression. In addition, some people may have a split type (such as exhibitionism), immature or passive personality (such as exhibitionism).

Early childhood and mental development in frustration or conflict with adult sexual perversion has a causal relationship between the psychological dynamics. According to Freud, the boy and his father mother love and hate and fear as a rival, father angry will cut off his penis and fear when the older boy, will give up the love of mother and imitation father, so the boy Oedipus love will be properly resolved. Otherwise, this love will solidify and form the Oedipus complex in the unconscious, the formation of serious adverse effects on the character, become a source of psychological allergy day after.

3, genetic factors

Over the years of genetic results show that the brain and nervous system and failed to confirm any particular chemical associated with sexual perversion, and study the hormone results is always contradictory, unable to make any conclusion. The experts are looking for genetic problems.

The above is the cause of several common allergies, friends should know. Normal heterosexual love by negative life events or major setbacks, simply rude education or family discord and other factors will lead to allergic.



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