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  不过,鉴于公务员今年年中已经获得了大约0.45个月的花红,所以他们今年总的可变动花红,只有0.55个月。 全年花红加起来是1.55个月......
  普通公务员拿着这么少的花红,估计要“崩溃”了。 高级公务员则更能感受到经济不景气带来的满满“恶意”,因为他们的常年可变动花红则直接取消,以400新币的一次性花红取代......
  不过,较低薪水的公务员,有约2200名勤务员制度 (Operations Support Scheme) 下的三级至五级公务员,将获得1500新币最高额外花红。
  其实,每年公务员花红的发放,也是新加坡经济的晴雨表指标。 最近,根据新加坡贸工部的预测,今年新加坡经济增长,或许只有0.5%到1%! 而且是2009年金融危机以来的新低......
  不过,公务员花红对私企员工花红却只有参考价值,不会完全依照。 如果员工所在的公司表现好,那么他们的花红肯定不会太低。
  另一个好消息是,贸工部预估新加坡贸易情况将于2020年回升,总商品贸易额、非石油国内出口增长预测均介于0%-2%。 或许明年新加坡可以期待更多......

NewsBoyfriend and genital friction will be pregnant

2017-12-13Aix XinLe12

Boyfriend and genital friction will be pregnantGenital friction will close Pregnant You, my boyfriend and a lot of water under the water, will not have prostate fluid in October 8th. menstruation November 16th to menstruation, no ejaculation But, if there is in prostatic fluid…

NewsHow knowledge encyclopedia wake woman sleeping sexual pleasure

2017-12-20Aix XinLe12

How knowledge encyclopedia wake woman sleeping sexual pleasureSexual activity is not only the key human reproduction, but their quality of life and not quality assurance. Tend to have a harmonious sexual relationship between husband and wife in real life good…

NewsWhat about having sex without going into the vagina

2017-11-28Aix XinLe15

What about having sex without going into the vaginaLove is not inserted into the pain! But I am not the first, only interval for more than a year did not touch my boyfriend, I have a feeling, and a lot of water, which is particularly painful, every time I couldn't keep him away…

NewsIs it normal for girls to have sexual fantasies

2017-12-07Aix XinLe14

Is it normal for girls to have sexual fantasiesTeenage sexual fantasy normal? In adolescent boys and girls, it seems to be more interested in the opposite sex, but to be bound by moral values, even the idea, only to restrain myself. Therefore, fantasies produced…

NewsPractical tips first time make love

2017-12-20Aix XinLe32

Practical tips first time make loveThe use of the tongue is not just limited to kiss. The tongue can also be used to talk! Don't feel unbelievable, don't believe. Between the tongue talk about your sex life, ask her true feelings, from her point of view about the source of her happiness.…