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My husband always like at night or early morning when the morning I sleep I woke lick, then love, wh

OHTN2017-11-05Aix XinLe

Morning and evening peak of male sexual impulse, naturally requires more than any other time, and other factors affecting work, very few people have sex noon.

My husband always like at night or early morning when the morning I sleep I woke lick, then love, why ah? And each time is very long!

I asked him, he said I did not wake up look very cute, but then I could not even resist no strength, fun! ! !

Oh, this is not to say the general is due to get enough sleep, sexuality strong results, a loved one certainly ever more beautiful, or in trouble.

Men, you have that right? ! Not necessarily, each person's preferences, physical and other factors, it is difficult to say there is no fixed pattern.

(Did not wake up sex for a long time will have feelings, and do not brush your teeth, ......

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