Japan intends to raise tobacco taxes Each three yen
The Japanese government and ruling party to coordinate tobacco tax hike issue, planned since October 2018, a few years time the average points per cigarette tax increase of about 3 yen (about 0.18 yuan). Kyodo News reported on the 8th, the discussion included in October 2018 increased by 1 yen (0.06 yuan) in 2020 and 2021 and then were increased by 1 yen programs. However, quite Qiang Lie internal opposition Liberal Democratic Party, coordination or will face difficulties.
If really raised the tobacco tax, will be adjusted again in 2010 per cigarette raise 3.5 yen (0.2 yuan) after, the number of one hundred billion yen is expected to boost government revenues.
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有人说女人就像一朵鲜花,需要人用心呵护,定时灌溉才能茁壮成长,否则便只能枯萎凋谢。 这话说的不对,大家之所以把女人比喻成花,无非就是因为他们希望女人也像花朵一样鲜艳美丽。…