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Wife frigidity eat what medicine

OHTN2017-12-19Aix XinLe

Wife frigidity eat what medicine, female frigidity, in clinic is a multiple and common disease, but in life there are many patients with a tacit understanding, is difficult to say. The reason, most of the patients is due to psychological factor, always think it is a shame and invisible thing, to prevent sexual normal play.

Wife frigidity eat what medicine

A woman is because of the existence of certain diseases of genital organs or body, caused by sex hormone secretion caused by abnormal, and systemic disease, can affect the physique, induce frigidity. Therefore, for the treatment of female frigidity, should adopt comprehensive therapy, the most effective.

First, for the wife of the psychological adjustment problems is bound, the husband should follow through counseling, use of scientific knowledge, eliminate the wife inmost thoughts. The husband should enlighten, and let the wife is full of silently conveyed tenderness whispering, really feel a deep sense of.

Two, the scientific method of inducing this refers to the practice of every sexual intercourse. The treatment of his wife frigidity phenomenon, should be fully paid attention to the preparation stage before sexual intercourse, we should be good at finding a wife the most and willing to accept the love, such as kissing, touching, or other emotional stimulation breast region, are desirable. Effective and appropriate sex before induction, can help break through the inhibition of "yoke", arouse the wife's sexual desire, so as to achieve the purpose of "success". By then, if quite good, sex is a very natural matter.

Three, cold medication related female frigidity drug treatment, a lot of species, now the specific drugs and methods are as follows

(a) endocrine drugs: diethylstilbestrol 0.5 mg 0. 1-, QN, 10- and even served 14 days; 0. 25- or 0.5 mg, with diethylstilbestrol tablets into the vagina; others use the small dosage of methyl testosterone treatment, 5- each time 10 mg, premenopausal women, in the month after clean with the tongue once a day, for 15- 20, a sexual enhancement effect. The above drugs shall be applied in gynecological physician guidance, to avoid side effects.

(two): Traditional Chinese medicine is mainly nourishing Jieyu, commonly used drugs, astragalus, Atractylodes, Poria ginseng, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Radix Bupleuri, ginger etc.. According to the specific condition of TCM syndrome differentiation.

(three) local administration: the wife of vulva can be applied with some drugs, such as diethylstilbestrol ointment, applied to the clitoris, vagina etc., function improvement for the existing sex organs, increase vulvar and vaginal secretions, and can enhance sexual desire, enhance the sensitivity of these parts of the sensory nerve. Middle aged female sexual cold, vulva can daub paraffin lubrication and a little oil, and help increase the sexual intercourse.

(four) disease medication: secondary to suffering from the disease caused by cold, as long as the primary disease is cured, Frigidity will soon be corrected. Such as anemia, can give drug iron preparations; emaciation, intramuscular injection of nandrolone, and supplement protein foods, such as meat, eggs, dairy products, soy products, so that activin can better play the role of "anabolic hormone". But the benzene acid in nutrition for nandrolone use, because of the long-term use, may cause jaundice and liver dysfunction and other side effects.

The treatment of cold remedies

A, dodder, Cistanche, Ligustrum lucidum 20 grams, medlar, raspberry, Cornus officinalis, Rosa laevigata, deglued antler powder 15 grams, plantain seed, Chinese chive seed, Cnidium sangpiaoxiao, each 10 grams, 6 grams of Schisandra chinensis. One dose a day, decocted in water, this applies to man's impotence, spermatorrhea premature ejaculation, women are clear and thin leucorrhea, sexual apathy.

Two, Chinese yam, radix rehmanniae, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Radix Morindae Officinalis 15 grams, Fructus Cnidii, angelica, Atractylodes, Cyperus rotundus, mugwort leaf, dodder, eucommia, antlers cream, Curculigo 10 grams, Sichuan pepper, cinnamon, 3 grams of Wu Zhuyu. One dose a day, decocted in water. Suitable for women's lower abdomen cold or alvine cold painful, sexual apathy.

Three, Chinese yam, astragalus, Codonopsis, Morinda officinalis, medlar, Cistanche 15 grams, dodder, calcined oyster, actinolite 20 grams, cooked aconite, Cynomorium, Cornus 10 grams. One dose a day, decocted in water. Suitable for men's backache leg soft, chills, cold night back urination, impotence; women leucorrhea Qingxi, sexual apathy.

Four, 20 grams of red ginseng, gecko, Cistanche 50 grams, 1 liters of wine immersed within a week after drinking. Suitable for male and female libido. Hot summer days should not be used.

Five, Cistanche 50 grams, sliced into the first pot boil 1 hour, to the residue, add 150 grams to 200 grams of minced mutton, rice 100 grams, ginger 3 to 5, with the said, adding salt seasoning?. Suitable for male and female libido patients with kidney deficiency is preferred.

Six, aloes, 6 grams, 10 grams of spikenard, notopterygium, patchouli, clove, cinnamon 30 grams, ginger, magnolia flower, sandalwood, rose 20 grams each, a total of research for the thick end into the bag into the pillow for sleeping.







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