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Beijing cuisine bean flour cake (Lvda Gun)

2017-10-12Wes lee

Lvda Gun, also known as bean flour cake, is one of the ancient varieties of snacks in Beijing, from Manchuria. It originated in Chengde, popular in Beijing. Since ancient times, Chengde on the rich one kind of millet, according to "property Rehe Chi" reads: "millet, yellow rice called natives." This millet, sticky sex, Chengde called yellow rice, cooked rice can be boring, or ground into flour used to make sticky BEAN BAG, rice cakes and "Lvda Gun." Like to eat sticky food could have been Manchu tradition, because Manchu hunting life, often from morning to evening, eat sticky food hungry resistance. A popular snack "Lvda Gun" is evolved from the stick food in over 200 years. Because of the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty eat sticky food, "Lvda Gun" soon spread to Beijing, Beijing has become a kind of snack. Its raw material is steamed yellow rice with water, and slightly softer and more water when the surface. After another soybeans fried, rolled into noodles. The production of outer hair steamed yellow rice noodles rolling into sheets stained soybean, red bean paste is then cast (brown sugar can also be used) rolled up, cut into small pieces of about 100 grams, it would be sprinkled sugar.

Required when making strudel homogeneous, structured, yellow appearance, characterized by fragrant, sweet, sticky, rich flavor of soy flour child. Bean flour cake with soybean flour as its main raw material, so called bean flour cake. But why called "Lvda Gun" mean? Seems to be a metaphor, made after the roll about in soybean flour, such as the country really Lvda Gun, kick up dust-like, hence the name. This is even predecessors also issued a doubt. "Du small food Zayong" in said: ".. Brown sugar water filling artful arrangement, yellow face buried into the group beans group call anything 'Lvda Gun', said the name is too close to humor," he said: "Nianmi soy, steamed cooked, wrapped in brown sugar, water filling, rolling in Chaodou surface, on the sale of home plate, named 'Lvda Gun' unbelievable said also. "visible" Lvda Gun "is the name for the convention. Today, many people only know the nickname commonly known, I do not know that the rectification of names. Now various snack bar all year round supply, but most have not yellow rice, switch to the river rice, soy noodles because the outer race, the color is still yellow, the masses are very popular as a snack.

Beijing cuisine bean flour cake (Lvda Gun)

- bean flour cake (Lvda Gun) -

historical allusions bean flour cake

Legend of Qing Emperor Qianlong put down large and small, and Zhuo rebellion, put a Xinjiang Uighur leader's wife grabbed the palace as his concubine, that is, Xiang Fei. After Xiang Fei was robbed to Beijing, day and night Chafanbusi, Qianlong anxious, imperial edicts to the room, saying: If anyone can make something to eat Xiang Fei, the only promotion, but also Shangyin two thousand. This way the chefs to show their talents, resorted to special skill, delicacy, flavor Cuisines, made thousands of samples, but Xiang Fei even without looking. Qianlong decreed that people had to camp called white hat Xiang Fei did send home eating palace.

If two points, said Xiang Fei Xiang Fei's husband since robbed the palace, hell and high water also came to Beijing from Xinjiang, hiding in the white hat camp, trying to find out the whereabouts of Xiang Fei. When he heard that the emperor decreed white hat camp of people do the same best things to eat Xiang Fei sent to the palace to eat, think this is a good opportunity to contact. So I made a homemade dessert of glutinous rice dumpling one of his ancestral home, Xiang Fei see this glutinous rice dumpling, you know that was her husband came. Glutinous rice dumplings sent to the palace, eunuchs and asked the name of this food, so call it Lvda Gun. Lvda Gun ended in front of the ladies Xiang Fei, Xiang Fei saw, eye eyes light up, that her husband came, they Qiangdajingshen, pick up a gently bite.

Xiang Fei Qianlong heard that eating, and happy something. Decreed white hat camp every day to do Lvda Gun Amat sent to the palace. Since then, Amat Lvda Gun do every day to send to the palace, Lvda Gun it a name. And later spread to the folk.

production methods bean flour cake

Ingredients: rice flour 100 g, 25 g of corn starch, 30 g of sugar, 3 tablespoons salad oil, 150 ml of water, a number of sand, soybean powder, the amount of shredded coconut.

Production process:

1. glutinous rice flour, starch, powdered sugar, salad oil, water and the like, like mixing slurry;

2. Prepare a square microwave lunch box, a microwave food bags, food bags into boxes, the pulp is poured into the food bags, food bags and the tidy, do not have creases, microwave 5 minutes;

3. Remove the food bags, chopping board flat and gently rolling with a rolling pin about, roll slightly thinner, bit length, and then cut into two food bags therebetween;

4. cut food bags, thrown off the top of the film, the fine cut sandbag about two centimeters of a hole, the size of the hole in relation to how much sand is extruded, the intermediate pushed, and then the lower cut food bags, Thus the two became;

The glutinous carrying food bags wrapped yarn sheet rolled up, kneading;

6. chopping board mat with plastic wrap, sprinkle with soy flour, glutinous rice volume put up, torn off food bags, roll full meal, so as not to stain the hands of;

7. Quick cut, roll in the same way on a coconut.

Production points:

1, have a fried soybean flour paste flavor, but do not fry black.

2, steamed rice to be paralyzed in the river plate.

3, when the cut surfaces coated with adhesive on the water knife, the knife will not stick.

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